It's Time,

Happy Wednesday to you!

This evening I am sitting at home, drinking a glass of wine and eating a bowl of popcorn for supper with my dog at my feet. Honestly, I haven't whipped up a blog post in a hot minute. But I just want to say, Koda (the other man in my life/my dog) and myself were out for a walk this evening, the air was crisp, its already ten degrees out some how, and it just feels like fall already. I am honestly okay with it! Fall holds a special place in my heart as there is nothing better in the eyes of Sunny B (yes I love third person references) than lighting a candle, staying home, and being comfy cozy. 

Exciting things are happening with Sunny B's. I am working on some new crewneck designs related to this fall weather, and its the perfect season for these sweatshirts. Honestly, this business was created by a night of drinking wine with my room mates, I pitched the idea to them and I got nothing but support and the push I needed to jump in with both feet (or if we're referring to the real Sonya, fall off the dock like the klutz I am, but both feet ended up in the water anyways).

The summer was great, full of first farmers markets, first wholesale orders, first photo shoots, just so many firsts and I love that. My favourite part of a Farmers Market was people either smelling a candle and seeing their eyes light up, or trying on a crewneck and immediately saying "ooo that's soft!" 

All in all, fall is here. And I hope it holds just as many firsts, and exciting adventures for this little company and my personal growth. I have been pouring up so many warm, spicy, pumpkin candles in scents such as Pumpkin Chai, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Harvest Spice, and Spiced Apple Cider. I am marrying my biggest supporter of this little company in T-24 days, and he has been so tolerant to my wax filled kitchen 24/7, our food sometimes tasting like fragrance oil, and me working away on candles into the late of the night.

I love feedback, I love hearing from my supporters, I love social media shoutouts (they honestly make my day more than you know), I love firsts, and I love fall! So the question is, what do you want to see from Sunny B's next step? And what fall scent tickles your fancy?

Cheers to the next season, take it as a new chapter in this chaotic life we are living in.

Sunny B






  • Hi wondering how to keep my wood wick candle lit? Does not stay lit morethan a minute thank you

    Lois Howe
  • Hi there and thank you for your presentation to MNP this morning. I just thought given your soya based product line, I wanted to know where you get your supply of this or if you are interested in connecting with a Hutterite colony I work with in MNP in Manitoba that does a number of interesting things with Soya technology and I have no idea if they could provide your needs but they have patents for things like Ecopoxy lamenent products, flooring base with crushed eggshells for traction and are very interested in developing markets and idea for Soy as they grow the product on their farm. If you are at all interested in exploring your source, let me know and I can connect you. Thanks again

    Scott Dickson
  • Hi Sonya Iam an “old” lol friend of your moms from our NAIT days. How about a candle called reminisce maybe with clear clean crisp and slightly sweet smell to reminds us all of days gone by, but also all the good things to come. Say Hi to your mom and good luck with your business love the Sunny B name☀️

    Sheila Dominey

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